On June 25, 2020, five federal financial regulatory agencies published the long awaited Final Revisions to the Volcker Rule (the “Final Revisions”) which revise certain aspects of the Volcker Rule (Section 13 of the Bank Holding Company Act) with respect to the identification and treatment of covered funds. The Final Revisions follow three years of
Potential Volcker Rule Changes Announced
On January 30, 2020, five federal financial regulatory agencies published the long awaited notice of proposed rulemaking (the “NPR”) to revise certain aspects of the Volcker Rule (Section 13 of the Bank Holding Company Act) with respect to the treatment of covered funds. The NPR follows over 2 ½ years of the agencies’ consideration of changes to the Volcker Rule, which was originally prompted by the June 2017 Treasury Report that solicited changes to ease the compliance burden on banks. The NPR includes several changes
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Volcker Rule revisions: Implications for structured finance
The US federal banking regulators have finalized revisions to the proprietary trading and compliance program provisions of the Volcker Rule. What do the revisions mean for structured finance products?
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