In its current form, the Uniform Commercial Code (“UCC”) does little to accommodate emerging technologies such as cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens. In efforts to modernize and adapt the Uniform Commercial Code to newer technologies, the Uniform Law Commission (the “ULC”) and the American Law Institute have jointly sponsored the drafting of proposed extensive amendments to
Supply Chain Finance
Our Views on the Proposed FASB and IFRS Payables Reporting Rules
In December 2021 the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) and the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) released their proposed amendments to their accounting standards that will require buyers of goods/services who use supplier finance programs/arrangements[1] in respect of their payables to disclose key terms of those supplier finance programs in their financial statements.
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Irrevocable Payment Undertakings and Buyer-Led Supply Chain Finance; Mass Confusion Abounds
Many supply chain finance programs are structured on what is called a “buyer-led” or “buyer-focused” basis. In certain of these types of programs, although the bank or other financier providing the program (the “Finance Provider”) may purchase accounts receivable represented by invoices or otherwise provide funding to a number of suppliers, the true customer of the Finance Provider is a single corporate buyer of goods and services (the “Buyer”) for whom the program has been arranged (a “payables finance program”).[1] In certain other programs, a Finance Provider does not purchase the accounts receivable but instead relies only on a promise from the Buyer to make payment to the Finance Provider on supplier invoices the Finance Provider has funded (a “corporate payment undertaking program” and collectively with payables finance programs, “buyer-focused programs”). Whatever method is used, the Buyer’s active support of the program is the key to making the program marketable. Although the Buyer does not typically have any involvement in the relationship between the Finance Provider and suppliers directly, the Buyer will often have considerable control over which suppliers may be approached for participation in the program and what invoices will be made available for funding (the “Approved Invoices”).
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