On 3 September 2020, two regulations were published regarding the detailed disclosure requirements under the Securitisation Regulation (the “Disclosure Technical Standards“). These consist of regulatory technical standards concerning the information and the details of a securitisation to be made available (the “Disclosure RTS“), and implementing technical standards with regard to the
Neil Macleod
Recommendations for developing the EU securitisation market – Report by the High Level Forum on Capital Markets Union
A recent report, entitled “A New Vision for Europe’s Capital Markets” (the “Report”), sets out some key recommendations for how the EU securitisation market can be scaled up. The Report has been published by the High Level Forum on the Capital Markets Union (the “HLF”) which was established by the European…

Securitisation after Brexit – Considerations for securitisations involving UK entities
The UK left the EU on 31 January 2020 at 11:00 p.m. UK time. This legal update summarises the application of EU law in the UK after Brexit, with particular reference to the Securitisation Regulation.
Read the Legal Update here.
Legal Update: regulatory technical standards on homogeneity for STS transactions published in official journal
The EU has, on 6 November 2019, published in the Official Journal a delegated regulation (the “Delegated Regulation”) supplementing the EU Securitisation Regulation (the “Securitisation Regulation”) with regard to regulatory technical standards (“RTS”) on the homogeneity of the underlying exposures in securitisation. The Delegated Regulation will enter into force 20 days after publication.
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