A recent report, entitled “A New Vision for Europe’s Capital Markets” (the “Report”), sets out some key recommendations for how the EU securitisation market can be scaled up. The Report has been published by the High Level Forum on the Capital Markets Union (the “HLF”) which was established by the European Commission (the “Commission”). The recommendations cover some key areas of interest for market participants.

Capital Markets Union has been an important part of the European regulatory agenda for some time, and was the subject of an Action Plan adopted by the Commission in September 2015. The HLF is composed of experts in the European capital markets, alongside a number of observers from European supervisory bodies and institutions. The views expressed in the Report are those of its members and not the Commission. Nonetheless, the views expressed in the Report are expected to inform the future work of the Commission.

The Report makes seventeen sets of recommendations in relation to different aspects of the EU markets. In this Legal Update, we have focused solely on the recommendations relating to the EU regulatory framework which applies to securitisation.

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For more information about the topics raised in this Legal Update, please contact Neil Macleod on +44 20 3130 3252, Robyn Llewellyn on +44 20 3130 3990 or Jaime Lad on +44 20 3130 3927.

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